Studies have shown that whiplash can occur to an individual traveling at only 5 miles per hour who crashes suddenly. When the sudden distortion of the neck caused by extension occurs in the impact of a car cash, it results in injury to the neck and soft tissue which can create pain, aches, sensory disturbances, and headaches. If you or someone you know has sustained whiplash or soft tissue injury due to a car accident or some other type of accident caused by the negligence of another, it is important that you seek competent legal help.
We highly advise you to consult with the Frederick whiplash and soft tissue injury attorney at our firm. In a free consultation, you can discuss your injuries and accident directly with an experienced attorney who has the legal knowledge and skills to thoroughly represent you in any injury claim or lawsuit. Our attorney will review your case and advise you on your legal rights and options.
Symptoms of whiplash and soft tissue damage can occur immediately after an accident or may take days to fully develop. Whiplash generally impacts the spinal cord, affecting the neck and mid-back. Whiplash usually causes the ligaments in the spine to stretch or tear as the head snaps forward and back upon a sudden impact. Those involved in rear-end collisions are especially vulnerable to whiplash and soft tissue injuries. Consequences of whiplash may range from mild to severe pain, lasting for a few days or weeks to cases where severe disability occurs.
If you have been subjected to the pain and other effects of whiplash or soft tissue damage caused by another's negligence, drunk driving, drug-impaired driving, reckless, aggressive, or careless driving, it is important that you speak with the Frederick injury lawyer as soon as possible. Our firm is committed to helping injury victims recover the compensation to which they are entitled for damages and losses connected with such injuries.
Contact the Frederick Whiplash and Soft Tissue Injury Attorney at the firm today for experienced legal guidance and representation.