Although it is legal in the United States to own a gun, in order to legally do so, there are legal requirements. There are cases in which the legal requirements are not completed, or the individual was unaware that they had failed to comply, and criminal charges are filed against them. If you are facing weapons or firearms charges, contact a Frederick criminal defense attorney from our firm today. There may be the potential to get the charges dismissed, based upon the situation, and our experienced attorneys will analyze your case and determine how to best move forward.
Even an accidental weapons violation can mean jail time and probation in a conviction. If you are facing weapons charges, you need an attorney with skill and experience in defending against the charges .
Weapon charges are filed in conjunction with other crimes, such as robbery or theft crimes, assault, or drug charges. If you are being charged with another crime and a weapons was involved, it is likely you will now be facing a serious felony charge . The criminal justice system in our state is tough on weapons crimes, and if you are facing a gun or other weapon charge, immediate defense action should be taken on your behalf.
Law Offices of John R. Discavage, PA, has over 15 years of experience defending criminal charges, such as weapons and firearms charges. Our top-rated attorneys understand that sometimes, innocent people end up unwittingly breaking the law, especially when it comes to the red tape that one must cut through in order to legally obtain a firearm.
Fighting for your innocence is essential if you want to avoid jail time. Our firm has defended thousands of clients over the years, and we will fight tirelessly to give you the best defense possible. While the outcome of a case can never be guaranteed, we will do our best to fight for you and your innocence and freedom.
If you are facing weapons or firearms charges, contact a Frederick criminal defense lawyer from our firm today. We may be able to help you avoid conviction and jail time.