Being accused of a theft crime in Maryland can put you in serious legal trouble. Most theft crimes are considered felonies, and being charged with a felony crime can mean harsh punishments, including fines, probation, and even jail time if you are convicted. No matter how light or severe your theft crime charge is, it is essential that you retain the services of an experienced Frederick criminal defense attorney from our firm to defend you in court.
Theft crimes can include robbery, burglary and shoplifting. Robbery is always tried as a felony, because it means you allegedly used force or violence to commit the theft. If you are facing robbery charges, you may also be facing assault charges, and the combination of the two can lead to an enhanced sentence if you are convicted. Burglary, on the other hand, is divided into four classifications. Fourth-degree burglary is the least severe, and is considered a misdemeanor, while first-, second- and third-degree burglary are felonies. Whatever the level of the charge, prosecutors will be aggressively pursuing a conviction, as is their duty. You will require a criminal defense attorney equally skilled and aggressive if you hope to avoid serious penalties.
At Law Offices of John R. Discavage, PA, we have over 15 years of experience in the area of criminal defense. When facing a theft charge, there are many defenses that we may be able to apply to your case, in order to have your charges reduced to misdemeanor, or, in some cases, dropped altogether. Our main goal is to help our clients avoid conviction, and at the very least minimize the charges and sentencing for our clients, based upon the circumstances and evidence in the case.
Our firm has defended thousands of clients over the years, and we are not hesitant to take your case to the courtroom; we will not accept a plea bargain on your behalf, if we feel confident that we can obtain a victory in court. When you work with Attorney Discavage's firm, you will have the attention and time that your case needs. We offer the one on one legal consultation and representation that is necessary in defending theft cases, and we will fight our hardest to prove your innocence and protect your freedom.
If you are being charged with robbery, burglary or shoplifting, contact a Frederick theft crime lawyer from our firm today.