When you are slapped with a resisting arrest charge, this charge will be added to the charges for which you were arrested. Often times, a resisting arrest charge may be in association with DUI charges, or drug charges. When you are facing resisting arrest charges in conjunction with other charges, you are in serious legal trouble, and you need an experienced Frederick criminal defense attorney to represent you.
Resisting arrest, particularly if there is alleged violence against the arresting officer, is harshly prosecuted in Maryland. If you have been accused of resisting arrest, it is essential that you hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to argue your case for you in court, or you will certainly be facing harsh sentencing.
At Law Offices of John R. Discavage, PA, we understand that your resisting arrest charges could be due to the arresting officer using excessive force against you. Individuals are allowed to defend themselves against the excessive force of a law enforcement officer. With over 15 years of criminal defense experience, we can analyze your case, and determine if you may have a viable defense against your resisting arrest charges. Our firm has defended thousands of criminal cases over the years, and we will know best how to handle your charges. In some cases we may be able to have charges reduced or dropped altogether. Contact our firm today for experienced legal representation you can trust.
If you have been accused of resisting arrest, contact a Frederick criminal defense attorney from our firm today. We may be able to help you avoid conviction and jail time.