Protective orders are restraining orders against the alleged perpetrators of domestic abuse. Peace orders are similar, but the alleged perpetrator does not have to be related or married to the person seeking the order, as is the case with protective orders. In either case, being in violation of a protective order or peace order that has been taken out against you is a serious crime.
Violating a protective order usually results in immediate incarceration, as all domestic abuse cases are taken very seriously in Frederick County. If you have been accused of violating a protective order or peace order, contact a Frederick criminal defense attorney from our firm today. Our defense may be able to help you avoid jail time.
The ramifications of such a charge are severe. If you have been accused of violating a protective or peace order, you need aggressive legal representation to fight for your freedom.
Attorney John R. Discavage has over 15 years of experience and his law firm, Law Offices of John R. Discavage, PA, is comprised of experienced criminal defense attorneys who may be able to help you avoid jail time, and further legal punishments, such as probation. We understand how complex protective order cases can be, especially when there are children involved. We fight to protect the freedom and reputation of our clients, and we will apply all of our experience and knowledge of criminal law to your case. With our legal representation, you may be able to avoid jail time.
Contact a Frederick criminal defense lawyer from our firm today if you are being accused with violating a protective order or peace order.