When you are put on probation, you are making an agreement with the court that you will follow certain behavioral guidelines. This may include specific rules about the crime you were originally arrested for, as well as other requirements. While probation may have been a way for you to avoid jail, any violation can lead to getting the whole sentence you initially avoided through probation. If you have been accused of violating your probation, contact a Fredrick criminal defense attorney from our firm today.
Probation officers can be very tough on you. Their job is to make sure you obey the letter of the law. If your probation officer decides that you have violated your probation, you may be facing serious jail time. If you are on parole, a probation violation will almost certainly mean you are going back to jail. It is essential that you have an attorney on your side who will aggressively fight to protect your freedom so that a small probation violation does not mean jail time for you. Whether you are on probation for assault, a DUI conviction, drug charges, or any other crime, our criminal defense attorneys will fight their hardest to help you seek to avoid further jail or prison time.
At Law Offices of John R. Discavage, PA, we have the experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense attorneys that you want defending your probation violation. With over 15 years of experience, we understand the criminal defense system in Maryland and will aggressively fight to help you avoid conviction and jail time. Our firm has defended thousands of cases, and we understand the personal attention and dedication that each case requires. Our attorneys will be available to consult with you about your case, and help you resolve this serious legal problem. Contact our firm today if you are facing a probation or parole violation charge, and let us fight for you.
Contact a Frederick probation violation lawyer from our firm today if you are facing a hearing for probation or parole violation.