It may be considered that a misdemeanor offense will have little impact on your life given that these offenses seem like minor violations. The reality of the situation is that no matter how small or slight the offense is, your permanent criminal record will reflect the offense, and even a misdemeanor can lead to up to a year in jail.
The penalties that could result from a misdemeanor conviction vary depending on the circumstances of the crime and the charges you face. A skilled Frederick criminal defense lawyer from our firm should review your charges and all the evidence that led to your arrest. Seeking out the best possible strategy to defend against the charges should be undertaken as early as possible after the arrest for best results .
Given the very real potential that a conviction for a misdemeanor offense will have a significant negative impact on your life and opportunities, it is very important that you hire a top quality, experienced defense attorney to represent your case. At Law Offices of John R. Discavage, PA, we know what it takes to pursue a favorable outcome at trial, or to have your charges dropped or your sentence reduced. In the past we have countless individuals successfully defend against misdemeanor charges. Our firm also has can assist in having misdemeanor charges expunged or cleared off our client's criminal records. These offenses are serious; you need to hire an attorney who is seriously dedicated to protecting your interests and safeguarding your future.
If you face misdemeanor charges, it is essential that you contact a Frederick juvenile crime attorney.