A crime is considered a juvenile offense if the accused individual is under the age of 18. If convicted, a young person will not only face fines, rehabilitation, potential incarceration, and counseling, but he or she will also be burdened with a criminal record. This criminal record could affect the ability to be accepted into a good school, receiving a scholarship, or getting quality employment. If you have been accused of a crime and you are under the age of 18, it is very important that you seek out a Frederick criminal defense attorney to determine the best course of action for the defense.
Juvenile crime cases are handled differently then criminal cases involving adults. A juvenile will rarely face a jury. In most cases the juvenile will plead his or her case before a judge, then the judge will give a ruling based off of the facts of the case. Given that one judge makes the final decision regarding the guilt or innocence, as well as determining the penalty, it is absolutely essential that you have an attorney by your side to that can influence the outcome of the case. Juvenile court rulings are generally geared more towards rehabilitation than to punishment, but a conviction can be a very serious issue and include time spent in detention In serious cases, there is the possibility that the prosecutor will ask for the case to be moved to adult court, which can be a serious problem. We are prepared to fight for every possible advantage for young clients and we can assist you too.
At Law Offices of John R. Discavage, PA, we know how frightening a juvenile conviction can be. Our firm has successfully defended many young people and is exceptionally committed to fighting for their rights and freedoms. One key to a juvenile crime case is to offer a defense strategy that portrays the offense as a mistake that will not be repeated in the future. Certain offenses, including felony offenses or other serious charges, are as dangerous to a young person as to an adult.
Whether you are facing a DUI charge or more serious felony offense, having quality legal counsel is crucial if you are hoping to avoid a conviction, and our firm has the proven court record and aggressive approach that you need when it is imperative that every possible defense action is taken.
If you are under the age of 18 and you have been accused of committing a crime, you should not hesitate to contact a Frederick juvenile crime lawyer.