Having a criminal record can have a seriously negative impact on both your personal and professional life. A record can significantly limit your future prospects with regard to employment and other opportunities. If you have a charge or conviction on your criminal record that you would like expunged, or cleared off your record, you should seek out knowledgeable legal representation. A Frederick criminal defense lawyer can review the offenses listed on your record and fight to have your criminal record expunged.
Potential employers, landlords, admissions departments, and bankers all require a background checks. Having even an insignificant offense on your criminal record will throw a red flag that may influence how these individuals view you as a potential candidate. Employers specifically would rather hire an individual with a clean criminal record as opposed to an individual with even a disorderly conduct offense to his or her name. In some cases, committing a juvenile offense, even a minor misdemeanor , can profoundly affect your entire future. It may limit your choice of schools and bar you from getting a good job. No matter what you may have on your criminal record, it is highly recommended that you seek to have these offenses expunged.
At Law Offices of John R. Discavage, PA, we know what it takes to expunge an offense from your criminal record. We firmly believe that you deserve to move forward without past burdens. In the past, we have successfully resolved many expungements and are very familiar with the process. We are prepared to review your situation and determine whether your record is eligible for expungement, and if so to move forward on your behalf.
Contact a Frederick expungement lawyer if you would like to have an offense expunged from your record.