With organizations like MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) continually seeking tougher legislation it has gotten easier to get arrested for suspicion of DUI (Driving Under the Influence) or DWI (Driving While Impaired). The best way to avoid this is to just not drive if you have been drinking or using illegal substances or even some prescription drugs. If you have made the mistake of getting behind the wheel anyway and an officer stopped you, conducted a field sobriety test and then told you, you failed, don't make the mistake of believing that pleading guilty is the right thing to do.
Whether you are facing a 1st time DWI or Multiple DWI charge, the consequences are too severe. Keep in mind that the accuracy of these tests depend solely upon the officer's ability to conduct the tests correctly and their ability to observe and evaluate your performance. The right thing to do is, first and always consult a Frederick DUI defense attorney before you answer questions.
According to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), there are only three valid tests to use in checking sobriety, the One Leg Stand, the Nystagmus- Horizontal Gaze and the Walk and Turn. According to the NHTSA these when administered correctly, these tests are accurate only 67% of the time. Their purpose is to demonstrate a person's response time, balance and ability to follow direction. Poor performance in these tests can be the result of medical conditions, weather, the environment and a number of other factors.
The breath test, whether portable or at the station also can produce flawed results as these devices can malfunction if not properly maintained, give a false high reading if the technician doesn't follow the recommended procedure exactly, or read on substances other than alcohol or drugs. Even the results from a blood or urine test can be skewed through contamination or other factors. Although many people think that a DUI or DWI arrest means the driver is guilty, this is far from the truth. It takes an experienced DUI /DWI defense lawyer who has a thorough understanding of all of the technical issues as well as the applicable laws to provide an aggressive criminal defense and help you to avoid the negative impact a conviction would have on your life.
Depending upon the circumstances of your arrest, there are a number of possible defense. At Law Offices of John R. Discavage, PA, we will listen carefully to you and look into the officer's training and conduct as well as the more technical issues to determine if your rights were violated. You don't have to feel you are in this alone. We offer affordable payment plans and are flexible in our appointment times. For an initial consultation with DUI lawyer who is ready to fight for you, call our office.
Are you facing DUI or DWI charges? Contact a Frederick DUI /DWI attorney who is committed to protecting your rights.