Chances are that if you have been charged with disorderly conduct, you may not fully understand not only why you were charged with this offense but also how this offense will impact your life. Disorderly conduct is an intentionally vague charge used to cover a wide range of behavior. Law enforcement officers will often level this blanket charge against innocent individuals. If you have been accused of disorderly conduct, it is very important that you seek out a Frederick criminal defense lawyer to protect you from being taken advantage of. You should not have to pay the price for the overzealous enforcement of vague laws.
When facing an intentionally vague charge such as disorderly conduct, it is a good idea to have a knowledgeable defense attorney by your side. At Law Offices of John R. Discavage, PA, our attorneys have successfully handled numerous disorderly conduct cases. We will fight to have your charges dropped or reduced to a civil penalty. Do not take these charges lightly; a guilty conviction can place you in a significantly compromised position. Call our firm today to protect your liberty and safeguard your future.
Contact a Frederick criminal defense lawyer if you have been charged with disorderly conduct.