The enjoyment of getting out on one of Maryland's beautiful waterways draws large numbers of people every year. The fun can end abruptly when you are stopped by law enforcement and held under suspicion of being impaired or under the influence of alcohol or drugs or a combination of the two. This may happen whether you are simply rowing, sailing, or operating a power boat or a personal water craft. If you are stopped do not admit to anything. You have the right to talk to an attorney before you answer questions. You also have the right to have your legal counsel present during any questioning. Before you make any decisions on how you will proceed, talk with a Frederick criminal defense lawyer who has a thorough understanding of the applicable laws.
Boating laws are different from land based motor vehicle laws. Under ordinary circumstances, when you are on the water and no death or injury has occurred, you do not have to submit to a blood or breath test. When a life threatening injury or fatal accident has occurred the investigating officer can legally require you to submit to a blood or breath test. This is different from the preliminary breath test which is done using a portable device used to register Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) which is not mandatory and should never be agreed to.
The field sobriety tests used by officers in investigations where impairment or intoxication through drugs or alcohol is suspected are not mandatory. It is used by officers to gather evidence for a DUI / DWI charge, not to prove your innocence. A charge of killing or severely injuring another by operating a vessel or motor vehicle while impaired or under the influence of drugs or alcohol can mean enormous fines and can land you in prison for several years. If you or a loved one is facing a serious charge in connection with a fatal or life threatening boating accident you can depend upon a BUI defense attorney at our firm to thoroughly investigate and used every available legal tool to obtain a positive outcome in your case.
Trouble doesn't always come at convenient times, like between nine and five o'clock. Because of this Law Offices of John R. Discavage, PA offers flexible appointments. We support your right to a powerful defense and are ready to put our expertise at your service. Consult a criminal defense lawyer at our firm before you make any decisions that will affect your future.
Contact a Frederick BUI defense lawyer at our firm for professional legal representation in fighting any alcohol or drug related charges.