Have you been accused of assault when you didn't even touch the alleged victim? Assault is an attempt to touch a person without consent or causing a person to fear that he or she will be touched. This can include an attempt to strike someone or threatening someone with a weapon. There are several possible assault charges all of which carry harsh penalties if convicted. Battery includes actually touching another without consent. As assault is considered a crime of violence prosecutors are usually very energetic in pursuing these cases where serious or life threatening injury occurred and in cases where domestic abuse is alleged. If you have been accused of committing an assault, it is vital that you discuss the circumstances with a Frederick criminal defense attorney at once.
A person could be charged with assault even when no physical injury is evident, but more usually prosecution for assault occurs after an injury. The severity of the injury sustained by the victim and the method used to carry out an assault and other circumstances determine the seriousness of the charges. Conviction can result in probation, community service, mandatory counseling, fines, and up to 25 years in prison. Who gets arrested and charged generally depends on who lodges a complaint first. Investigating officers often assume that the one who is injured is the victim and can arrest the wrong person. An experienced assault defense lawyer investigates to uncover facts missed by the police which are crucial to your defense. This means it is vital that you seek legal representation right away to keep all your legal options open and ensure your rights are not violated.
Unfortunately the immediate penalties of fines and incarceration are not the only negative consequences. Having a conviction for a crime of violence on your record can seriously impact the rest of your life. Law Offices of John R. Discavage, PA is here to help protect your rights if you have been accused of a violent crime. Take advantage of our experience by talking with a criminal defense lawyer who is prepared to swing into action in your defense.
Contact a Frederick assault defense lawyer with the skill you need to mount a powerful defense.