Walkersville is a town in Frederick County, with a population of 5,800 according to the 2010 census. Considering the fact that 40% of the households have children living with them, and that 61.4% of the households are made up of married couples living together, it's safe to assume that an arrest, or worse a criminal conviction in this small town would certainly impact more than just the defendant, but their family members as well.
If you or someone care for was recently arrested for a criminal offense in Walkersville, or if you are presently the target of a pre-file investigation, then what you say and do from this moment forward can impact the rest of your life. A criminal conviction is not a good thing, and even if the mark is for a misdemeanor DUI/DWI, or a petty theft crime, it can still have a host of negative implications in the future. For instance, in this tough job market, most employers will elect to hire an applicant who doesn't have any criminal record versus hiring someone with a criminal record. Also, criminal convictions will turn up when anyone runs a background check on you; therefore, you will continuously be put in the situation where you will have to explain what happened and why; this isn't good either.
In the United States of America, suspects have rights afforded to them under the Fifth and Sixth Amendments to the Constitution. Criminal suspects have the right to remain silent, they have the right to be read their rights, otherwise known as the Miranda warning, and they have a right to an attorney. If you are being questioned by law enforcement, it's important for you to understand that you must exercise your right to remain silent and to an attorney. Even if you are completely innocent of the charges against you, it doesn't mean that 12 jurors couldn't convict you based on circumstantial evidence alone. Tragically, people are convicted for crimes they didn't commit every day, whether it was because of a coerced false confession or because of a jury verdict; therefore, you don't want to place your future in the hands of the prosecution, especially if you did make a mistake that you later regretted.
Bad things happen to good people all the time and sometimes non-criminals are put into harrowing situations that leave them with little choice but to commit a crime. When you are faced with circumstances such as these, then you need a powerful Walkersville criminal defense attorney now more than ever. At The Law Office of John R. Discavage, P.A., from the moment we take on a case, we work tirelessly behind the scenes to search for any holes or flaws in the case that may work to our client's advantage. This process often allows us to identify any viable defense opportunities, which we then put into immediate action for our client so that valuable time is not lost.
Criminal acts are classified as either misdemeanor or felony offenses. Misdemeanors are lower-level crimes that typically involve from no jail time to 12 months in jail and up to $1,000 in fines. On the other hand, felony crimes can involve from one year in prison, to life imprisonment or in some cases of first degree murder (a capital offense), the person can be sentenced to death by means of lethal injection.
Our firm handles virtually all types of state-level crimes including DUI/DWI, domestic abuse, BUI, and juvenile crimes. If you were arrested for assault, or if you are facing any type of drug charges such as drug possession, cultivation of marijuana, manufacturing, or possessing drug paraphernalia, we can defend you against these charges and question whether or not your search and seizure rights were violated.
We also handle various felony crimes including those involving sex crimes such as rape or indecent exposure, as well as hate crimes, auto theft, burglary and robbery. If you need representation at a MVA hearing in a DUI case, or if you want to apply for an expungement, we can guide you in either case and provide you with the high quality legal representation you would expect from a former prosecuting attorney. Attorney John Discavage brings a lot to the table, he is a former Maryland Assistant State's Attorney who has also worked with the Federal Public Defender's Office.
As a criminal lawyer who has personally handled thousands of criminal cases in the Maryland courts, he is more than qualified to help you with your case and tirelessly pursue the best possible outcome considering your unique set of circumstances. To schedule a free consultation with attorney Discavage, you are urged to contact our firm today because we care about you, your future, and keeping you out of jail or prison and at home where you belong.
Criminal Defense Information Center
Town of Walkersville
About Walkersville