Frederick County is located in the northern section Maryland, it borders the southern border of Pennsylvania and the northeast border of Virginia. According to the 2010 census, there were 233,385 people living in Frederick County. As a part of the Washington Metropolitan Area, it is also recognized as Western Maryland.
Frederick County is home to Catoctin Mountain Park, as well as Camp David, Fort Detrick, and a number of census designated areas including: Ballenger Creek, Braddock Heights, Clover Hill, Discovery-Spring Garden, Green Valley, Linganore-Bartonsville, and Urbana. With attractions such as the Schifferstadt Architectural Museum and the National Museum of Civil War Medicine, the area draws both visitors and people coming to live and work at Fort Detrick, as well as Frederick Memorial Healthcare System, Wells Fargo and Bechtel, among other corporations. If you have recently been arrested for a criminal offense in Frederick, Brunswick, or any of the unincorporated areas of Frederick County, you are urged to contact a Frederick County criminal defense attorney from The Law Office of John R. Discavage, P.A.
There is no question that facing any criminal charges is a nerve-wracking experience to say the least. As someone who was recently arrested or that is the target of a pre-file investigation, you are probably very concerned about what the future might hold, and reasonably so. There are a number of state and federal laws that enumerate criminal offenses. Such laws address assault, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI/DWI), domestic abuse (spousal abuse, child abuse, family abuse), drug charges (possession, cultivation, manufacturing, distribution, trafficking), as well as theft crimes (shoplifting, auto theft, burglary, and robbery etc.) and violent crimes. How a criminal act is penalized depends upon the defendant's criminal history, the nature of the crime and whether or not a weapon was used to commit the offense.
Crimes are categorized as state or felony crimes, and they are classified as either misdemeanors or felonies. Most crimes fall under the heading of state crimes; however, those criminal acts that are outlawed by federal legislation are considered federal crimes, some of which include kidnapping, mail fraud, drug trafficking, child pornography, terrorism, and internet crimes to mention a few.
Misdemeanor offenses typically involve from no jail time to 12 months in jail, and a maximum $1,000 fine, whereas felony offenses involve from a minimum of one year in prison to life imprisonment or the death penalty, and thousands of dollars in fines. When a person is convicted of a crime, they face a number of penalties, some of which may include: jail or prison, community service, victim restitution, forfeiture of property, hefty fines, driver's license suspension, prohibition from owning or using firearms, probation or parole and more.
As an American citizen or as a lawful permanent resident, you have legal rights when you are facing criminal charges. Just because you were arrested for a crime, it doesn't mean that you are guilty or that the state has enough hard evidence to convict you. Your rights are protected under the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments to the United States Constitution, and we are here to ensure that they are adamantly protected, regardless if you are innocent or if you made a mistake. Good people get caught in bad situations every day, and sometimes they get cornered into making a difficult, if not bad decision, and we understand this. However, being caught up with the wrong side of the law doesn't have to mean you will get convicted and locked behind bars, and this is where we come in.
At The Law Office of John R. Discavage, P.A., our lead attorney formerly worked as a Maryland Assistant State's Attorney, he also worked with the Federal Public Defender's Office. His former work experience has proved invaluable to his clients, for he knows the criminal justice system inside and out, and he knows how the prosecution thinks and acts. As an aggressive and persuasive criminal lawyer, he not only searches exhaustively for anything that might win his clients' cases, he always aims to get his clients charges reduced if not dropped entirely. Whether this means discrediting a witnesses' statement, or getting evidence suppressed, or questioning whether a detective failed to inform his clients' of their Miranda rights, he is a tireless and dedicated lawyer who will stop at nothing to help his clients achieve the best possible outcome considering the circumstance of their case.
When your career, your liberty and the future and happiness of your family is on the line, you deserve nothing less than an attorney that is dedicated to your securing your future. Whether you are facing DUI or drug possession charges, or charges of manslaughter or murder, you are urged to contact attorney John Discavage to discuss what types of defense strategies he would employ on your behalf, because he cares about helping you in the fight against law enforcement and the prosecuting attorney.
Criminal Defense Information Center
About Frederick County
Frederick County Official Website